Laying 101: laying turf correctly so it thrives into a lush lawn

You’ve selected the perfect grass for your home and lifestyle. You've measured, prepped the soil, and you're eagerly awaiting that turf delivery. But before it rolls in, if you haven't already, let's talk about some turf fuel – the starter fertiliser, LawnPride is our preference. It's like a pre-workout for your lawn; not entirely necessary, but it sure enhances its performance, just like you preparing for a powerlifting championship!

Now, when the truck pulls up, follow these steps to lay your new lawn like a pro so it thrives from day one.

Step 1 – Turf Timing is Key

Think of your new turf like the VIP guest at a fancy party; as soon as it arrives, get it laid ASAP (and keep your mind out of the gutter, mate). Don't let it sit on a pallet any longer than necessary, or it'll be dried out and as useless as a snowman in the Sahara.

Step 2 – Getting Started

Let's kick things off – start laying along a straight edge at the back of your yard. This way, your lawn will be as neat as a pin, and you won't destroy it before you’ve even started by walking all over it to finish the job. 

Laying slabs of grass on edge of garden bed first
Grass slabs laid in brick formation

Step 3 – Become a Turf Brickie 

Time to get creative! Stagger your lawn slabs like a pro bricklayer. Not only does it look better while your lawn is settling, but it also prevents soil erosion from water runoff, and helps with establishment.

Step 4 – The Hydration Fiesta

Now, it's time to take a well-deserved break and grab yourself a cold one – but don't rest too long because your lawn needs some hydration too! For the next few weeks, water will be your lawn's lifeblood. The best strategy is ‘syringe’ watering for at least the first week, or until the roots have established (i.e. they won’t pull up when tugged on). That is, 15 – 20 minutes at 7am, 10am, 2pm and 5pm (or there abouts). If work and life get in the way though, an hour of soaking twice a day will also do.

Step 5 – The Grand Establishment

After a few weeks, up to 6 depending on your grass variety, location, climate, and watering schedule, your lawn should be as established as a legendary rock band. To check, gently try to pull up a corner of a slab. If it stays put, it's established. If it pops up like a Jack-in-the-box, it needs a bit more time to rock and roll.

And there you have it, mate. Once your lawn is rocking some solid roots, it's time for the grand finale – your first mow! But remember, patience is key. Let your grass grow to a good height before you unleash the lawnmower. It's all about finding that perfect balance – not too short, not too long. After all, no one likes a buzz cut!


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