QLD Green Couch Grass


QLD Green Couch Grass: perfect for those who reckon a lush lawn is the ultimate welcome mat, but don’t want to spend every spare minute fussing over it. This grass is all about soaking up the rays and turning your backyard into the best room in the house.

  • Sun-Soaked Champion: Needs 8 hours of sunlight per day, making it the top pick for those full sun areas.

  • Barefoot Bliss: Its lush green colour with fine blades are soft enough to make walking across it feel like you’re cruising across your living room rug, outdoors. It’s also got great colour retention.

  • Sip, Don’t Gulp: It’s pretty laid back when it comes to drinks. A bit of water when the weather’s sizzling, and it’s all good.

  • Love the Mow: If you’re into the zen of mowing, QLD Green’s your type of turf. Regular cuts keep it looking sharp, ready for any backyard bash.

Delivering QLD Green Couch Grass to Brisbane, Ipswich and the Gold Coast. Get yours today!

*We recommend visiting our farm to see our grass varieties up close, and make sure that what you choose, suits you best. Visits are by appointment only, please call us to arrange a time.*

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QLD Green Couch Grass: perfect for those who reckon a lush lawn is the ultimate welcome mat, but don’t want to spend every spare minute fussing over it. This grass is all about soaking up the rays and turning your backyard into the best room in the house.

  • Sun-Soaked Champion: Needs 8 hours of sunlight per day, making it the top pick for those full sun areas.

  • Barefoot Bliss: Its lush green colour with fine blades are soft enough to make walking across it feel like you’re cruising across your living room rug, outdoors. It’s also got great colour retention.

  • Sip, Don’t Gulp: It’s pretty laid back when it comes to drinks. A bit of water when the weather’s sizzling, and it’s all good.

  • Love the Mow: If you’re into the zen of mowing, QLD Green’s your type of turf. Regular cuts keep it looking sharp, ready for any backyard bash.

Delivering QLD Green Couch Grass to Brisbane, Ipswich and the Gold Coast. Get yours today!

*We recommend visiting our farm to see our grass varieties up close, and make sure that what you choose, suits you best. Visits are by appointment only, please call us to arrange a time.*

QLD Green Couch Grass: perfect for those who reckon a lush lawn is the ultimate welcome mat, but don’t want to spend every spare minute fussing over it. This grass is all about soaking up the rays and turning your backyard into the best room in the house.

  • Sun-Soaked Champion: Needs 8 hours of sunlight per day, making it the top pick for those full sun areas.

  • Barefoot Bliss: Its lush green colour with fine blades are soft enough to make walking across it feel like you’re cruising across your living room rug, outdoors. It’s also got great colour retention.

  • Sip, Don’t Gulp: It’s pretty laid back when it comes to drinks. A bit of water when the weather’s sizzling, and it’s all good.

  • Love the Mow: If you’re into the zen of mowing, QLD Green’s your type of turf. Regular cuts keep it looking sharp, ready for any backyard bash.

Delivering QLD Green Couch Grass to Brisbane, Ipswich and the Gold Coast. Get yours today!

*We recommend visiting our farm to see our grass varieties up close, and make sure that what you choose, suits you best. Visits are by appointment only, please call us to arrange a time.*

Is QLD Green Couch for you?

comparison of features and benefits of wintergreen couch grass


If QLD Green Couch was a person…

She’d be the grass equivalent of a high-maintenance, but drop-dead gorgeous partner who always turns heads.

QLD Green Couch will: shine like a diamond when polished properly.   

QLD Green Couch won't: let you skip leg day at the gym.

QLD Green Couch Grass: The Sun-Loving Lawn of Legends

QLD Green Couch isn’t just another grass; it’s a sun-soaking, fast-growing champion that’s tailor-made for the Aussie love of the great outdoors. If your garden’s a sunbather’s paradise and you find your zen behind the mower, QLD Green Couch might just be your green dream come true.

Why QLD Green Couch Grass Could Be Your Next Lawn Crush:

  • Sunshine’s Best Mate: Thriving in the full glare of the sun, QLD Green Couch is your go-to for those blistering summer days, staying lush and vibrant when others might throw in the towel.

  • A Cut Above: With a growth speed that could outpace your weekend BBQ, this grass loves a regular trim. Perfect for those who enjoy the rhythm of mowing, it can be kept neat as a pin down to 6mm with the right mower.

  • Drought-Resilient Yet Thirsty: It's built to withstand dry spells but appreciates a deep drink during peak heat. A bit like us, really — tough but grateful for a cold one when it’s a scorcher.

  • Economical Elegance: With lower fertiliser needs yet a stunning deep green hue, QLD Green Couch keeps both your lawn and wallet full and happy.

QLD Green Couch Grass Lawn Care Lowdown:

  • Mowing Schedule: Gear up for a trim every 5-7 days when it’s warm, easing off to every 2-3 weeks as the weather cools. Likes a bit of length in the shade but can go as short as 6mm in the sun for that bowling green look.

  • Feeding Time: A bit of slow-release fertiliser twice a year in early Autumn and Spring keeps it fighting fit. Chuck in an extra feed in Summer if your backyard’s been the season’s MVP.

  • Bug Off: With a splash of Acelepryn GR pesticide in early Autumn and Spring, you’ll keep the creepy crawlies from turning your turf into their personal buffet.

  • Water Wisdom: During the scorchers, it’ll want a sip 2-3 times a week. In cooler temps, once a week or a bit of a drink when the leaves start looking a tad thirsty will do the trick.

Is QLD Green Couch The Best Grass For You?

Absolutely, If You’re:

  • A mow-master who finds their bliss in lawn care weekends and a yard that’s always up for show.

  • Blessed with a sun-drenched garden that’s ready to let QLD Green Couch bask in its glory.

Maybe Not, If You:

  • Prefer a more laid-back lawn life with minimal fuss and maximum chill.

  • Have a garden that plays hide and seek with the sunlight more than it bathes in it.

The Lawn Lover’s Verdict:

Choosing QLD Green Couch is a commitment to the art of lawn perfection. It’s for those who see lawn care not as a chore, but as a passion — a green, lush passion that rewards your effort with undeniable curb appeal and a personal oasis right outside your door. Ready for the hum of the mower and the lush expanse of green? QLD Green Couch is calling your name.

The Ultimate Maintenance Guide for a Lush Lawn

Want to keep your QLD Green Couch lawn looking as stylish as Beyonce on the cover of a magazine?

Download the our Couch Grass Care Guide below for a complete guide to looking after your QLD Green Couch lawn, from day 1 to year round lawn care.

QLD Green Couch FAQs

  • QLD Green Couch loves a sun bake. It needs 7-8 hours each day to thrive. Any less than that, and it’s probably not the grass for you.

  • QLD Green Couch grass is a rapid grower! It requires more mowing than other grass varieties, but it also comes down to your preference for its look. If you like a longer look, 1 mow per week will be enough. But if you prefer it shorter, you’ll find yourself mowing QLD Green twice per week in the summer months. QLD Green Couch can be mown down to 6mm with a cylinder mower.

  • Twice a week in the hotter months – a good deep soak is better than more frequent sprinklings – and once a week in the cooler months.

  • QLD Green loves to get a good quality feed about 3 times per year (or every 3-6 months) depending on how it’s thriving. This combined with a good watering schedule will help keep your lawn healthy and lush.

  • Yes, because of its rapid growth, QLD Green Couch tends to have a high level of thatch build up. A once-a-year lawn renovation will keep it healthy and maintain it’s lush look and feel.

  • If you’re a lawn lover who doesn’t mind a weekend mow and a garden that’s always dressed to impressed, then QLD Green Couch is for you. But your grass must get 8 hours of sun each day!

    If you’re after a low maintenance lawn, or have a shady spot, check out our Buffalo or Zoysia varieties.

Ready to measure up?

Avoid the dreaded "oops, we ran out of grass" or "uh-oh, we've got too much turf" surprises! Follow these simple steps to get your turf measurements right the first time.

Option A: Use Google Maps

You can check out our ‘how to use Google’s Measuring Tool’ here. Or;

Option B: Measure by Hand

Use the formulas below to determine how to measure for your yard. You can also download a printable PDF version of our Measuring for Turf Guide, so you’ve got all the information in front of you when you’re measuring up.

Square / Rectangle:
Length x width = m2
e.g. 5m x 5m = 25m2

(Radius x radius) x 3.14 = m2
e.g. (3m x 3m) x 3.14 = 28.26m2

Circle calculations (left) / 2 = m2
e.g. 28.26m2 / 2 = 14.13m2

(Length x width) / 2 = m2
e.g. (10m x 5m) / 2 = 25m2

Unusual Shapes:
Sketch your yard, break it into shapes and use shape calculations above.
e.g. rectangle + square + triangle = m2

Varying Widths:

  1. Measure the longest edge (length)

  2. Divide the widths into 2m sections and measure (width 1, 2, 3, etc.)

  3. Calculate (width 1 + width 2 + width 3) / number of width sections

  4. Multiply by length

e.g. ((5m + 6m + 6m + 7m + 8m)/5) x 10m = 64m2

5. Add a few extra m2 per 100m2 as a buffer