DIY vs. Professional Lawn Installation: which option is best for you?


So, you've decided to install a new lawn at your place… congratulations, you’re on your way to Aussie outdoor living. But now comes the big decision – should you install it yourself, or hire a professional? Let's take a look at the pros and cons of each option.

DIY Lawn Installation: for the brave and the bold

If you're a DIY enthusiast who loves a good challenge, then installing your own lawn might be right up your alley. DIY lawn installation can be a fun and rewarding experience, and it allows you to have complete control over the entire process. Plus, you get to claim a hard earned thirst.

But let's be real here, lawn installation is no walk in the park. It requires a lot of time, effort, back pain, and celebratory beers on completion. It can also be costly if you’ve got no tools in your shed. You'll need to properly prepare your soil, remove it of debris, and level your yard. And if you're not careful, you could end up with a lumpy, bumpy lawn that's the envy of no one. 

Still keen to take it on? Start by reading our guide… ‘Prep Like a Pro: 7 steps to preparing your site for a great lookin’ lawn.’

Professional Lawn Installation: for the time-strapped and delegators

If the thought of your weekend behind heavy machinery and hauling dirt sounds like a prison sentence, then hiring a professional might be the way to go. Professional site preparation offers a hassle-free, hands-off approach that's perfect for those who are short on time, or have to go see a man about a horse. You’ll also be free of worrying that you’ve done the job properly.

With a professional installation, you can sit back and relax while the experts take care of everything. They'll remove your old lawn, prepare your soil, add any necessary fertilisers and leave you with the perfect foundation to lay your new lawn. Plus, you won't have to worry about any back-breaking labour or accidental turf-related injuries.

So, which option is best for you?

Ultimately, the decision to install your lawn yourself or hire a professional comes down to personal preference and circumstance. If you have the time, skills, and determination to tackle a DIY installation, then go for it! But if you'd rather avoid the hassle and leave it to the experts, then hiring a professional is the way to go.

And if either option sounds all a bit much, maybe you’re more of the apartment living type anyway.  


Laying 101: laying turf correctly so it thrives into a lush lawn