Essential Care Tips for the First 6 Weeks – Couch, Zoysia & Buffalo

The first 6 weeks after laying your fresh, lush lawn are crucial. It's like the honeymoon phase of your lawn's life – treat it right, and you'll set the foundation for a long, healthy, and blooming relationship. Whether you're rolling out Couch, Zoysia, or Buffalo grass, we've got you covered.

Day 1: Lay, Roll, Water 

Laying the Turf: Get your turf off to a flying start by laying it as soon as it hits your yard. Leave it too long and you’ll end up with palette burn and dead grass that’s rooting nowhere!

Brick Formation: When laying your turf, think of yourself as a bricklayer of the green world. Lay the turf in a staggered, brick formation. This method not only looks neat but also helps prevent erosion and promotes even growth and stability across your lawn. It’s double-y important if you’re laying turf on a slope, so the water doesn’t flow down the cracks. Check out our guide ‘Laying 101: Laying turf correctly so it thrives into a lush lawn’.  

Rolling Out: After laying your turf, if you can, give it a good roll. This ensures solid contact between the roots and the soil, pushing out any cheeky air pockets, a.k.a. "turf pimples." If you are laying only a small area and don’t have a roller, lightly shuffling your feet across will achieve the same outcome.

Watering: Water your new mate lightly but frequently to keep the soil moist. Aim for a heavy sprinkle at 7am, 11am, 3pm, and 7pm. Here’s a tip: water your lawn for 5-10 minutes then pull a corner back to see if the underside is damp. If so, that’s all it needs until it roots down deeper (just don’t forget to repeat this process throughout the day).

The First 6 Weeks: Water, Mow, Love, and Topsoil Tips


Quench your lawn's thirst with daily, deep waterings until the roots are established. Then, you can cut back to a deep soak once or twice a week. Remember, we're going for lush, not mush.


Wait for the roots to settle before the first mow. Keep it high for the first couple – just a little off the edges – to avoid shocking your green pal. It's not a buzz cut; it's a gentle trim.

 Topsoil Tip

If after a few weeks you notice some gaps or joins, sprinkle a bit of topsoil along these areas. It's like a gentle encouragement for your lawn to fill in those gaps and become the dense, lush oasis you dream of.

Extra TLC

  • Fertilising: Before laying, spread a starter fertiliser which is high in Phosphorus (to promote root growth) and lower in Nitrogen (which promotes leaf growth).

  • Weed Watch: Stay vigilant for weeds and deal with them promptly, but gently.

  • Love and Patience: The most crucial ingredients for your lawn's success are your love and patience.

Stick with this roadmap, and you'll be on your way to a backyard that's not just a lawn, but a statement. Here's to lush lawns and the joy they bring into our lives!


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