The place where we do the dirty work so you don't have to! As a turf supplier, we know all about the joys (and pains) of having a beautiful lawn. Here we share all of our secrets, to help you get the most out of your turf, without breaking your back or your bank account.

the first 6 weeks: looking after your new lawn

Kick-start your lawn’s life with our essential guide! From perfect planting to the first trim, we'll help you nurture your Couch, Zoysia, or Buffalo grass through its crucial first 6 weeks. Dive in and transform your yard into a lush oasis!

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What's the Difference Between Sir Walter, Palmetto, and Sapphire Buffalo?

Choosing between Sir Walter, Palmetto, and Sapphire Buffalo grasses is a breeze with our guide. Discover which turf will make your backyard the envy of the street, whether it’s the rugged Sir Walter, the resilient Palmetto, or the sophisticated Sapphire.

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Winning the Lawn War: What to Do When Couch Grass Invades Your Buffalo

Got a bit of a backyard bust-up with Couch grass muscling in on your Buffalo turf? No worries. Our guide's packed with top-shelf tips for showing the Couch the door — whether you're dabbing on the war paint for spot strikes or going all in for a grand green makeover.

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Sir Walter Buffalo Grass: Your Backyard's Best Mate

Dive into the lush, low-maintenance world of Sir Walter Buffalo, Australia's top pick for a hardy, shade-tolerant grass that laughs in the face of droughts and keeps weeds at bay. With its soft-to-the-touch feel and self-repairing prowess, Sir Walter transforms your backyard into a green oasis, perfect for play, relaxation, and winning those neighbourhood lawn wars.

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Sapphire Buffalo Grass: The Backyard Beaut That’s Tough as Nails

Meet Sapphire Buffalo, the gem of lawns with its fine texture, brilliant shade tolerance, and superior durability that stands up to wear and tear like a champ. This Aussie favourite boasts a lush, deep green colour and rapid recovery ability, making it a top choice for families and footy lovers alike.

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