The place where we do the dirty work so you don't have to! As a turf supplier, we know all about the joys (and pains) of having a beautiful lawn. Here we share all of our secrets, to help you get the most out of your turf, without breaking your back or your bank account.

Winning the Lawn War: What to Do When Couch Grass Invades Your Buffalo

Got a bit of a backyard bust-up with Couch grass muscling in on your Buffalo turf? No worries. Our guide's packed with top-shelf tips for showing the Couch the door — whether you're dabbing on the war paint for spot strikes or going all in for a grand green makeover.

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Choosing the Right Underlay for Your New Turf

Kickstart your journey to a backyard oasis by cracking the code to the perfect turf underlay. From wrestling with clay to navigating sandy soils, we spill the beans on how to lay the groundwork for a lush, vibrant lawn. Find out how choosing the right underlay can transform your outdoor space into the ultimate family playground, where every blade of grass tells the story of home.

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