In the land of BBQs, sunshine, and laid-back weekends, nothing beats the sight of a lush, green lawn. It's the arena for family cricket matches, the best seat in the house for a cold one, and the softest spot for bare feet. But, as every green thumb knows, lurking beneath the surface can be a battalion of unwelcome invaders: grubs, worms, and diseases, all ready to turn your turf into their own personal buffet.

Identifying the Enemy: Early Signs and Symptoms

Vigilance is key to keeping your lawn in prime condition. The best trick to test for grubs is the soapy water test: pour some warm soapy water over a brown patch, and wait for 15 minutes to bring any grubs to the surface. If something arises, it could be one of these usual suspects:

Curl Grubs (Heteronychus arator)

Curl Grub

These silent lawn assassins are the larvae of scarab beetles, including the not-so-welcome African Black Beetle and Argentinian Scarab Beetle. They're sneaky, munching away at the roots and causing your turf to die off in unsightly patches. Spot them early by looking for brown patches or try the wet towel trick overnight to bring them to the surface for a surprise morning greeting.

Lawn Armyworm (Lepidoptera spp.)

Lawn Armyworm

This ravenous caterpillar doesn't do things by halves. It will happily lead its troops through your lawn, leaving nothing but devastation in their wake. Look out for these guys munching on the leaves of your grass early in the morning, before they bunker down as it starts to warm up.

Fungal Foes: Brown Patch & Dollar Spot

Dollar Spot

Fungal diseases thrive in the warmth and humidity of our Queensland climate, turning vibrant green into patches of despair. Brown Patch and Dollar Spot are the usual culprits, with their telltale signs of decay and discolouration.

Fortifying Your Green Fortress

Prevention is your lawn's best ally. Use a pre-emergent insecticide like Acelepryn GR in spring time. One application will last for 6 months and protects you from all grubs – that’s value! 

If you’ve got an outbreak though and need a fast result, grab some Richgro’s Lawn Beetle and Grub Killer, or any insecticide with ‘Bifenthrin’ as the active ingredient, from Bunnings and follow the instructions.

And never underestimate the importance of regular maintenance, including judicious watering, strategic feeding, and regular mowing, which can fortify your lawn against the sneakiest of attacks!


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