If you've got a yard that’s more "dim and shady" than "sun-kissed and blazing," you might be scratching your head wondering what grass to plant. Lucky for you, there are some fantastic shade-tolerant options that'll turn those shady spots into a lush green paradise.

When it comes to grass, we often forget that it's a living thing that needs sunlight to survive – just like we need a good cuppa to start the day. Grass thrives through photosynthesis, the fancy term for soaking up sunlight and turning it into growth. When shade reduces the amount of sunlight grass receives, it puts a damper on photosynthesis and, consequently, on your lawn’s growth. 

So, if you’ve got a shady spot or a neighbour who thinks their trees are auditioning for a role in a jungle movie, don’t worry! There are shade-tolerant grass types available that can thrive in low-light conditions.

1. Sapphire Buffalo - a champion in the shade-tolerance department, Sapphire Buffalo has fine leaves and maintains a deep green colour even in low light. It’s as resilient as it is beautiful, handling foot traffic well and requiring a medium level of maintenance.

  • Sunlight Needed: Just 2-3 hours a day

  • Features: Soft, broad leaf that’s a tad finer than Sir Walter Buffalo

  • Perks: Bounces back quickly from heavy foot traffic

  • Growth Rate: Slowest-growing of the buffalo varieties – less mowing for you!

2. Sir Walter Buffalo - the undisputed king of shade tolerance, perfect for those spots under trees or beside tall fences. It’s not just tough; it’s soft underfoot and great for families with kids and pets. Plus, it’s resistant to diseases and pests, meaning less work for you!

  • Sunlight Needed: Also 2-3 hours a day

  • Features: Soft, broad leaf that feels like a plush carpet underfoot

  • Perks: Rapid recovery and highly durable

  • Bonus: High drought tolerance – it’s a tough cookie

  • Maintenance: Medium – expect to mow once a week in the summer 

3. Empire Zoysia - a fantastic choice for those tricky areas that get partial shade. It’s a slow-grower, which means less mowing for you. Once established, it’s incredibly hardy and drought-resistant. It thrives in both sun and shade, making it a versatile choice for any yard.

  • Sunlight Needed: Needs 4-5 hours a day

  • Features: Medium leaf blade that’s finer than buffalo grasses

  • Perks: Highly drought-tolerant – great for water-saving warriors

  • Maintenance: Low – mow every 2-3 weeks in the hotter months

4. Augusta Zoysia - the luxury zoysia of dreams, and ideal for those shady areas, and spots that have overhanging trees.

  • Sunlight Needed: Just 2-3 hours a day

  • Features: High salt tolerance – perfect for around saltwater pools or beachfront properties

  • Perks: Premium variety for a lush, luxurious look

  • Leaf Blade: Soft, fine leaf similar to couch grass – mow it short like a golf course or let it grow longer, your choice!

  • Maintenance: Very low – less work, more relaxation

While these grasses are shade-tolerant, no grass can thrive in shade 100% of the time. You’ll often hear suppliers touting a 70% shade tolerance, but remember, the number of sunlight hours varies from winter to summer. So, using hours of sunlight required as a guide is your best bet.

It’s also worth noting that any grass variety, regardless of shade tolerance, with perform better in shade if it has a longer leaf. So if you think your grass is battling the shade, raise your mowing height in that area and you might just solve some problems.

Choosing the right turf for shady areas ensures your lawn stays healthy and good-looking. By selecting shade-tolerant varieties and sticking to proper maintenance practices, you can conquer the challenges of low-light conditions. Need more tips or turf recommendations? Give us a buzz for expert advice and solutions – we’re here to help you turn those shady spots into lush retreats!


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