Alright, folks, it’s time to shine a light on the unsung hero of Aussie gardens – Empire Zoysia. This turf is like the quiet bloke at the BBQ who ends up being the life of the party. Not only does it have a cracking green look that’ll make your neighbour’s lawn green with envy, but it’s as lush as a shaggy carpet.

Why Empire Zoysia is a Bit of Alright

  • Slow on the Grow: Unlike that mate who can’t sit still, Empire Zoysia takes it easy, growing slow and steady. That means less mowing and more time for the important things in life (like perfecting your BBQ skills).

  • Watering Wit: It’s not a big drinker, but when it does fancy a sip, make sure it’s a good one. Deep, infrequent watering keeps Empire Zoysia content. 

  • Feels Nice, Looks Nice: With its fine texture and deep green colour, Empire Zoysia is a bit of eye candy for your garden that feels just as good underfoot.

Giving Your Empire Zoysia the Royal Treatment

  • Feeding the Beast: A little feed in spring and autumn keeps it fighting fit and looking sharp, ready to impress the neighbours and the in-laws.

close up of empire zoysia grass
  • Cutting Back: Because it’s a laid-back grower, you won’t need to mow it as often. But when you do, a trim to keep it tidy is all it needs.

  • Breathing Room: Every now and then, give it a poke (aerate) to help the roots breathe easy. Happy roots mean a happy lawn.

Who’s Going to Love Empire Zoysia?

Spot on For:

  • Anyone keen on a low-maintenance lawn that doesn’t skimp on looks. 

  • Gardens that cop a beating from the sun (although it doesn’t mind a bit of shade either).

  • The environmentally minded gardener who prefers a lawn that’s easy on the water.

 Might Not Be for:

  • If you love the weekly mow, Empire Zoysia’s slow growth might leave you a bit bored.

  • Those looking to bring the backyard footy matches to your place, it won’t appreciate too much traffic.

Picking Empire Zoysia for your lawn is like backing the underdog – it’s a choice that pays off big time. It’s got the looks and the easy-going nature to make your backyard the place to be, all with minimal fuss on your part.

Ready to team up with Empire Zoysia? The Turf Shed is here to kick things off. We’ve got the know-how and the top-quality turf to turn your lawn into a low-maintenance masterpiece. Let’s get your garden sorted with Empire Zoysia, and make every day a good day to enjoy the outdoors – or 0417 852 444.

Find out more and order your Empire Zoysia lawn here.


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